About us

The company BASS Technology Management GmbH was founded in Upper-Austria in August 2020. Since then, we have focused intensively to develop our patent and product portfolio relating to our core technology: Body-Aware Surveillance Systems. Our IP portfolio now comprises of an existing patent and two more patents have been developed during 2022-2024. These newly developed patents will be filed during 2024.





The company is being managed by its founder, Dr. Benny Sällberg. Benny is leading the BASS‘ research and development activities and he is also in charge of business relations.

Benny studied Electrical Engineering at the Blekinge Institute of Technology
in Sweden. Directly after completing his master studies, he started the
PhD program which he completed in 2008. Besides his studies, Benny has
been working as a research and application engineer with a focus on
electrical engineering applications in various product fields.

Since 2005, he is head of research and development at Exaudio AB, Sweden and since 2012 he is providing consulting services at Sällberg Technologies e.U., Austria. Since 2022, Benny is also head of Sällberg Innovations GmbH.

If you want to know more about BASS‘ technologies, give Benny a call or send him an email:

Tel.: +43 660/4849 960

Email: benny@basstm.at